About Us

NEW Radio Digital was designed so that every business could become competitive in the Digital World. Yes, the word "Radio" is in our name and that's because we have professional broadcasters in our building and were also provide solutions that include On-Air commercials. But NEW Radio Digital is different, you don't have to be a big retail giant to have a strong targeted campaign that's backed by our guarantee. We were designed with everyone in mind including the coffee show and retail boutique on "main street".

There isn't a one-size-fits-all "package" that we can send you because that isn't going to help you accomplish anything. Nobody from NEW Radio Digital is going to "drop-off" a special offer because that is when you are going to be left saying, "I tried digital and it didn't work." We don't want that for any of our business partners. We want to find out what it is that you are trying to accomplish and match you with the best service and product that is offered by NEW Radio Digital (and possibly NEW Radio) and then watch your sales increase. You won't have a salesperson stopping by to "check on you", instead you will have a team that will work with you from day one as you learn and grow within the process.

NEW Radio Digital has programs that start at $400 and that includes more than enough to create an awareness and branding campaign to digitally make you competitive in this, and any, market. We offer best-in-class technology and software, education, and exceptional operational support to ensure campaign performance for every customer, no matter what level you are. There is something that will fit every budget and every business.